Guide: How to engage with your MP

Going Green
5 min readFeb 7, 2023


How to engage with your MP

Section 1 — Introduction


Welcome to the Tendo Consulting x Going Green guide on How to engage with your MP, particularly around sustainability and climate change.

Tendo Consulting is a public affairs and communications agency specialising in government relations, media, and parliamentary engagement. We work with lots of different organisations to campaign around a number of different issues, including recent campaigns on protecting the marine environment and the switch to electric vehicles.

This is a short guide to demonstrate why you should engage with your MP, and how you should go about doing that…

Section 2 — Why should I engage with my MP?

There are 650 Members of Parliament in the UK — all of them representing a different area or ‘constituency’. They represent different political parties, but they also have a ‘special duty’ to represent the people in their constituency. This doesn’t mean they will necessarily agree with you, but they should be willing to hear what you have to say.

If you are worried about the environment, have a big idea to help tackle the climate crisis, or want to make sure your MP is voting for the most sustainable policies in Parliament, it’s worth contacting them to let them know. The more people that do this, the more politicians will take notice, and your MP will know this issue is important to voters at the next election.

Section 3 — How to engage with your MP?

If you don’t know who your MP is, you can go on the Parliament website and type in your postcode:

This will come up with the name and contact details for your local MP and the easiest way to get in touch is by sending a simple email.

MPs are sent hundreds of emails every week and have a team of researchers working with them behind the scenes to filter through the inbox. If you are writing to your MP, make sure that you mention you are a constituent of their town or area so that priority is given to responding to you. If you don’t do this, the MP may not reply at all, so we’d recommend putting this in the very first sentence of your email.

Section 4 — What can I ask my MP to do?

When it comes to climate change and sustainability there are so many issues that may need addressing — whether that’s fast fashion, microplastics, the move to renewable energy, or something else entirely!

Because the climate crisis is such a broad issue, when writing to your MP, it’s best to narrow your focus to just one area or topic at a time. Maybe you run a sustainable business and want to advocate sustainable practices or perhaps you are particularly concerned about a specific government policy.

It is also helpful to have a few clear ‘key asks’ in mind for if your MP is supportive.

There are a number of things you can ask your MP to do:

  • If you know there is a debate coming up in Parliament — you might want to ask your MP to make a speech or ‘intervention’
  • You could ask your MP to write to the ministers responsible for climate policies, such as the Environment Secretary
  • Or you could ask your MP to table parliamentary questions to challenge the Government on a particular topic or issue

Either way, don’t be afraid to get in touch because this is exactly what MPs are for and it really could make a difference!

Section 5 — Top Tips!

  • Remember that MPs are very busy and so the best letters are simple, succinct, and have a clear request or ‘key ask’.
  • Try to avoid being ‘party political’, especially if your MP represents the political party currently in Government. While you may not agree with their political views, they will be more likely to help you, and take your issue forward, if they don’t feel they are being personally attacked.
  • If you have specific evidence to support your view, reference where you found your information with a link to the source. Facts and figures can help to demonstrate that your information is reliable and correct and your MP will be more likely to use this information in debates and questions if they know it is credible.
  • If you would like to meet with your MP, say so! MPs often hold constituency ‘surgeries’ on Fridays, or you may even be invited to visit them in Parliament. These meetings can be as formal or informal as you would like, but I’d suggest coming prepared to explain why your issue is so important to you and to the community.
  • Don’t be afraid to continue the conversation! There may be a new development or update on your issue that you’d like to share with your MP. If they have helped you before, stay in touch and they will likely help you again.

If you or your business would like to know more about government relations and parliamentary engagement, please contact:

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